Monday, March 3, 2008

Mens and Womens Fragrances

Womens perfume can set an attitude right from the moment it is sprayed on. There are many pleasant fragrances to choose from and each one, can add to a different sensory mode. There are womens perfume that are specifically designed for everyday use and some that are very expensive and designed for that special event or moment. Womens perfume is given away as a gift more often than most anything else. Guys, it's probably fair to say that when in doubt, you can always feel safe with a gift of womens perfume.

Some search for the own product of cologne that study for how effect for the body skin. no effect for body skin that search for product is right so the product is launched for the market and advertise for this product and given result is satisfaction for you that for your opinion for that product is romantic, seasonable and your suit for body mist .I hope that product is love with or a practically product is attractive product. You consider How if effects your feeling or corporeal consciousness, its beautiful design packing or its color .so aroma is corporate business and one of the good researched market is aroma

Another secret great place to find brand name perfume is the Internet. If you are in the market for a quality brand name perfume, you might want to hop online. This is probably the best place to go if you're in the market for cologne, body spray or brand name perfume. With a little shopping savy and even some Internet research, you can find nearly any of yhese types of perfume at incredible discounts.

For their body, beauty products for men's cologne include: deodorants, cologne sprays, perfumes and lotions. Men should not forget to pamper their bodies. A man with a fresh scent is good to smell compare to those who are not. It is best for men to apply their underarms a deodorant everyday especially after taking a bath. A study says that men sweat twice compare to women. It’s just right for them to take extra care to their body. To add an extra fresh feeling, cologne sprays and perfumes are being used. Women find men who smell like a man fresh from shower than a man fresh from work or sleeping.

Ensure you have a bath before any party; this will ensure that your skin is clean and clear of any previously used make up and perfumes. So when you use new make up and new perfumes you can avoid a mix up of perfumes and smudge of the makeup. Also ensure you wash and neatly comb your hair, you can also select a chic hairstyle. Use a shampoo that has a mild scent and not a strong one.

Hopefully, these tips will help you smell better at any party and attract a whole lot of people to you.

Where should a woman wear perfume? The answer is simple wherever they want to be kissed! We cannot talk about perfumes if we don't talk about women. Perfumes play a great role in women's sensuality.

All time favorite for any woman when it comes to perfumes are Christian Dior's collection: Dior's Jadore and Addict that have been in the market for a long time. For women who want to smell a bit sweet and yet want to leave a whiff of smell behind, it is suggested the latest collection of Burberry perfumes. And if sensuality is something your partner is luring for, go for Nina Ricci's spring-summer collection. The other perfumes that you can pick are Escada, Gap, or Tommy Hilfiger's exclusive girl's collections when you want to accompany him on a car race.

When it comes to the use of designer discount perfume as an essential part of body accessories, they are numerous brands available in the market that one can choose from. However, the choice of a particular brand largely depends on the social stratum of a person. These days, the use of designers` fragrance is a rage in the market and everyone wants to use a specific brand of fragrance which is not only well-known but also stands out in terms of smell.

Some facts about perfumes:

Generally, the fragrance of perfumes last longer for people who have an oily skin. This is because their oily skin has more natural moisture content that holds the fragrance. On the other hand, dry skin has less natural moisture content and, hence it fails to hold the fragrance for a longer period of time.

Admired perfumes for men range from citrus, spicy, woodsy, leathery and while they are designed in a controlled environment, the same for the women are designed for primal senses with the combination of subtleness and refinement. Perfumes for women can be found in different wonderful themes such as floral like roses, jasmine, fruity like citrus or orange blossoms, oriental like mix of spices, amber and so on.

Perfumes are worn by both men and women to display their individual personality. However, what smells wonderful on your friend might not suit your body temperament. Hence, while buying a designer perfume, bear the following dos and don`ts in mind:

How to try:

When you want to try new fragrance for its chemical reaction, try it on your body and not on an object, say on the perfume bottle cap or a piece of cardboard. If you experience any irritation on your skin, take it for granted that the chemical components of the fragrance are not suitable for your skin tone and texture and its use could be harmful for you.

No two-timing, please:

Buyers are often found to be trying different perfume fragrances at the same time. Do not use three or four fragrances at a time as it affects your sensory reflections leading to confusion relating to the choice of a particular fragrance. So, the chances are you will fail to pick that perfect perfume which would be suitable for your skin tone.

The basic difference between perfume and cologne is in their strength. While both perfume and cologne are made denatured ethyl alcohol and essential oils, perfume and eau de parfum contain between fifteen and twenty-two percent essential oils; eau de cologne contains only between four percent essential oils.

The major differences between perfume and cologne, therefore, are that perfume’s fragrance is stronger, and will remain fresh longer, so that it should be applied much more sparingly than cologne, which can be splashed on. And the greater the amount of the essential oils in perfume and cologne, the more expensive they will be.

Fragrance Health Risks

There is an overwhelming amount of cosmetic and body care products on the market. Even more overwhelming is the task of selecting safe products. Manufacturer's labeling is often not clear and not completely forthcoming with all of their ingredients. To help protect consumers and assist us with safe product selections the Environmental Working Group along with the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has developed the Skin Deep cosmetic database.

Recently, the risk that perfume causes to environmental health has come under fire. Many people believe that the chemicals used in perfume are dangerous to inhale. While there aren’t many clinical studies that have been published on the subject, the number of people who complain about the irritation has certainly raised a few eyebrows.

Though it is hard to think of perfume as being dangerous, the fact is that some perfumes do contain toxic chemicals. Most scented products now on the market, including perfume, are made up of synthetic chemicals derived from ingredients such as coal tar and petroleum. When someone wears perfume, they are essentially wearing these chemicals on their skin. As the chemicals vaporize into the air, they can cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, breathing problems, headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

It is estimated that twenty to thirty percent of the world’s population has physical or allergic reactions to one or more synthetic substances. However, many people go undiagnosed and never realize that they have an allergy problem. Even so, the concern over environmental illness is becoming widespread enough that many offices, schools, and other workplaces have banned the use of perfumes.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), discount fragrances are considered the leading cause of cosmetic contact dermatitis. As a health problem, this sensitivity alone affects more than 2 million people, and studies suggest that sensitivity is on the rise.

(What do you do when faced with fragrance sensitivity or allergy? Talk with others on the Health Cafe board.)

Fragrances and Our World
Experts theorize that one reason fragrance allergies appear to be increasing is that fragrances themselves have become such a prominent part of our world. According to the AAD, some 5,000 different fragrances -- and countless other fragrance combinations -- are used in products today. And they can be a powerful, toxic brew.

Principal chemicals found in scented products are:

ACETONE (in: cologne, dishwashing liquid and detergent, nail enamel remover) - On EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste lists. "Inhalation can cause dryness of the mouth and throat; dizziness, nausea, incoordination, slurred speech, drowsiness, and, in severe exposures, coma." "Acts primarily as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant."

BENZALDEHYDE (in: perfume, cologne, hairspray, laundry bleach, deodorants, detergent, vaseline lotion, shaving cream, shampoo, bar soap, dishwasher detergent) - Narcotic. Sensitizer. "Local anesthetic, CNS depressant"... "irritation to the mouth, throat, eyes, skin, lungs, and GI tract, causing nausea and abdominal pain." "May cause kidney damage." "Do not use with contact lenses."

BENZYL ACETATE (in: perfume, cologne, shampoo, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, dishwashing liquid and detergent, soap, hairspray, bleach, after shave, deodorants) - Carcinogenic (linked to pancreatic cancer); "From vapors: irritating to eyes and respiratory passages, exciting cough." "In mice: hyperanemia of the lungs." "Can be absorbed through the skin causing systemic effects." "Do not flush to sewer."

BENZYL ALCOHOL (in: perfume, cologne, soap, shampoo, nail enamel remover, air freshener, laundry bleach and detergent, vaseline lotion, deodorants, fabric softener) - "irritating to the upper respiratory tract" ..."headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, CNS depression, and death in severe cases due to respiratory failure."

CAMPHOR (in: perfume, shaving cream, nail enamel, fabric softener, dishwasher detergent, nail color, stickup air freshener) - "local irritant and CNS stimulant" ..."readily absorbed through body tissues" ..."irritation of eyes, nose and throat" ..."dizziness, confusion, nausea, twitching muscles and convulsions" "Avoid inhalation of vapors."

ETHANOL (in: perfume, hairspray, shampoo, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid and detergent, laundry detergent, shaving cream, soap, vaseline lotion, air fresheners, nail color and remover, paint and varnish remover) - On EPA Hazardous Waste list; symptoms: "...fatigue; irritating to eyes and upper respiratory tract even in low concentrations..." "Inhalation of ethanol vapors can have effects similar to those characteristic of ingestion. These include an initial stimulatory effect followed by drowsiness, impaired vision, ataxia, stupor..." Causes CNS disorder.

ETHYL ACETATE (in: after shave, discount cologne, perfume, shampoo, nail color, nail enamel remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid) - Narcotic. On EPA Hazardous Waste list; "...irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract" ..."may cause headache and narcosis (stupor)" ..."defatting effect on skin and may cause drying and cracking" ..."may cause anemia with leukocytosis and damage to liver and kidneys" "Wash thoroughly after handling."

LIMONENE (in: perfume, cologne, disinfectant spray, bar soap, shaving cream, deodorants, nail color and remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid, air fresheners, after shave, bleach, paint and varnish remover) - Carcinogenic. "Prevent its contact with skin or eyes because it is an irritant and sensitizer." "Always wash thoroughly after using this material and before eating, drinking, ...applying cosmetics. Do not inhale limonene vapor."

LINALOOL (in: perfume, cologne, bar soap, shampoo, hand lotion, nail enamel remover, hairspray, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, vaseline lotion, air fresheners, bleach powder, fabric softener, shaving cream, after shave, solid deodorant) - Narcotic. ..."respiratory disturbances" ... "Attracts bees." "In animal tests: ataxic gait, reduced spontaneous motor activity and depression ... development of respiratory disturbances leading to death." ..."depressed frog-heart activity." Causes CNS disorder.

METHYLENE CHLORIDE (in: shampoo, cologne, paint and varnish remover) - Banned by the FDA in 1988! No enforcement possible due to trade secret laws protecting chemical fragrance industry. On EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste lists. "Carcinogenic" ..."Absorbed, stored in body fat, it metabolizes to carbon monoxide, reducing oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood." "Headache, giddiness, stupor, irritability, fatigue, tingling in the limbs." Causes CNS disorder.

a-PINENE (in: bar and liquid soap, cologne, perfume, shaving cream, deodorants, dishwashing liquid, air freshener) - Sensitizer (damaging to the immune system).

g-TERPINENE (in: cologne, perfume, soap, shaving cream, deodorant, air freshener) - "Causes asthma and CNS disorders."

a-TERPINEOL (in: perfume, cologne, laundry detergent, bleach powder, laundry bleach, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, vaseline lotion, cologne, soap, hairspray, after shave, roll-on deodorant) - ..."highly irritating to mucous membranes"... "Aspiration into the lungs can produce pneumonitis or even fatal edema." Can also cause "excitement, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination), hypothermia, CNS and respiratory depression, and headache." "Prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact."

With increased usage and exposure, problems have emerged regarding fragrances. There are concerns for both those that use scented products and those exposed from others' use. Many of the concerns regarding skin allergies are well recognized. Other concerns, such as those surrounding phthalates as possible hormone disrupters and its impact on respiratory health, are emerging issues in which there are limited data available.


The vast majority of medical literature available on health effects of scented products is in the realm of dermatology. Fragrances have been long recognized as skin allergens and irritants. The skin was thought of as the primary route of exposure from scented products and up until the late 1970s the skin was thought to be an effective barrier to fragrance materials entering the body. Most health and safety concerns related to fragrance were focused on effects on the skin. It is now recognized that the skin is not an effective barrier to many substances. The skin is an entry point for materials into the body. Once entry has been gained, there is potential for systemic effects.

Fragrance ingredients can be irritants, allergens, photosensitizers, photo toxins, and they can have other negative effects on the skin. In spite of the fragrance industry's focus on skin safety of fragrance materials, dermatologists are usually the ones to pinpoint problematic materials. Actual real use situations reveal much more than tightly controlled laboratory testing of singular materials.

The incidence of skin allergy to fragrance has increased with exposure. A conservative estimate is that 1 -2% of the population has skin allergy to fragrance. There is a direct correlation between use of scented products and development of skin allergy to fragrance.12

Fragrances are complex mixtures of substances whose interactions with the skin are affected by many factors. Even though there may be sensitization to a specific substance, other substances can impact penetration, distribution, metabolism and interaction. Singular materials may have a far different effect than complex mixtures.

Some materials used in perfumes alter the surface tension of the skin and thus can more deeply penetrate the skin. Combinations of materials can have an impact on absorption. Materials commonly used in fragrance formulas can increase penetration of the skin. Some terpenes have been found to significantly enhance dermal absorption of pharmaceuticals. It is thought that they disrupt the stratum corneum to allow increased penetration of the skin. Terpenes are common in scented products and are likely to increase absorption of other materials in products and in the fragrance portion of the product.13

Testing by the RIFM is usually done on healthy adult volunteers whose skin is intact. It fails to account for more vulnerable populations. One in ten eczema patients have allergies to fragrances. The rate has doubled since 1979.

Perfume allergy is one of the most frequent types of contact allergy among children with eczema. Children, especially children with eczema, should not use perfume, to avoid developing perfume allergies. Generally pediatricians and dermatologists recommend scented products not be used on children. And yet there are many scented products available for children, many of which contain known skin allergens, sometimes at levels that exceed industry's recommended use level.14

In addition children are exposed to fragrance in many of the same products as adults such as soaps, laundry products, and toiletries, and should, particularly if they have perfume allergies, avoid scented products. Also, as is the case with adults, those with eczema should avoid skin contact with perfumes to avoid developing fragrance allergies.

It has been found that there is an additive and probably synergistic effect when multiple allergens are used in fragrance. By changing testing protocols so that similar materials were not tested on the same panel, the RIFM has missed an opportunity to better evaluate real use situations. In actual use formulas may contain several known sensitizers, and in some instances higher than industry recommended levels are used. Such formulations increase the potential for allergies to develop. Further use of multiple products can expose the skin to numerous combinations and levels of allergens.

It has also been found that inhalation of some fragrance materials alter the immune response of the skin. Interestingly it was found that application of the materials to the skin did not have this same effect.

There is widespread use and exposure to scented products. While there are frequent clinical and anecdotal accounts of adverse effects, there is limited research outside of the area of dermatology. The available information is widely scattered and needs to be considered as a whole. Fragrance is clearly an emerging health and environmental concern that needs to be tackled. Make sure to do your research before selecting a name brand fragrance from an Online Perfume and Cologne Fragrance Store.

Online Discount Perfume and Cologne Fragrance

The first step involved in shopping for perfume or cologne is to examine the scent category. Floral fragrances consist of large variety of flowers such as roses, jasmine, lily of the valley and many others. They are sometimes mixed with hints of other subtle scents such as vanilla to create a well balanced lighter fragrance that is perfect for a romantic evening or starry night. Floral fragrances are the largest group to choose from. The citrus fragrances contain a blend of fruits such as lime, tangerine, lemon and mandarin, creating very refreshing aromas. These fragrances are mostly worn during the evening, or in the office. Oriental fragrances derive from mixture of spices, resins, amber, balsams and other exotic aromas. These fragrances are widely used for winter evenings.

When many people think of good scented perfume, they think "that must cost money." However, there are many companies that now that specialize in buying and selling discount perfumes that are virtually the same as what you will find in high priced department stores.

Discount perfume can be a great way to have a fragrance that is popular without spending tons of your hard earned cash. These companies are very easy to purchase from, as many of them have internet stores where the items are readily available.

A quick look-up on a search engine will help produce the discount cologne products a person is looking for. A person can type in the specific perfume they are looking for and several internet stores will quickly appear that will offer the special fragrance at a discounted price.

The perfect places where you should spray your cologne are all the open areas. Among those areas, there are some of the areas that produce body heat. These spots are just perfect place to spray your cologne. Ideal places for wearing cologne are wrist, armpit, neck back side of ears etc. So when you spray on these areas, the smell will not fade away so easily and it can give you the best results.

Our bodies can become sedated, stimulated or relaxed by the action of certain oils.

Pain may be relieved, wounds may heal, inflammation and spasms may cease.

The fragrance of the oil also travels by way of the olfactory nerve pathways directly to the limbic system in the central portion of the brain where emotions are stored. This area is known as the amygdala and it plays a major role in storing and releasing emotional trauma. Science is now saying that fragrance is the most direct route to clearing emotional traumas.

Essential oils can assist in the removal of potentially harmful chemicals (free-radicals) produced in the body during cellular and tissue metabolism. They can play the role of detoxing the body of free-radicals as well as removing petrochemicals taken in our bodies through our food, water and air.

Perfumes from natural odorants like sandalwood or musk were preferred. In today`s world due to illegal trafficking and species endangerment, natural odorants are replaced by synthetic aromatics. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Aromas like musk from natural ingredients are extremely complex and have been impossible to imitate through synthetic aromatics like nitro-musks or macrocyclic musks. On the other hand, synthetic aromas like ozone, marine, metallic, etc., have no parallel olfactory relationship in the natural odorants.

There are three major types of perfume for fans to choose from. They are the Oriental class, which is rich and bold in its varieties; the floral class, which is flowery and feminine; and the chypre class, which tends to involve the clean-scented perfumes. Before even shopping for cheap perfumes, pick from these classes.

Once a main class has been decided upon, there are key words to look for when examining cheap perfumes. Orientals will often be described as musky, spicing, bold or sensual in their body of scent. The floral types are pretty easy to pick out. Chypre variety perfumes might be touted as clean, sporty, aquatic or woodsy by design.

Locate discount cologne that have earned reputations for fitting the bill you're looking for and then try out the samples on for size. If a perfume smells especially great in the bottle and there are no samples available, consider going for it. Remember, though, that not all perfumes, cheap or expensive, smell as good after an hour of wear as they do in the bottle. This can be due to the perfume itself or its reaction with a person's own chemical makeup.

For those who won't settle for anything other than high-end, brand names, there are some cheap fragrance options open. The reality is some of the most expensive perfumes can have lower dilution formulas available that cost less, but still give off the signature scent.

Perfume itself is considered the purest and strongest of the scent concentrations. In an actual perfume, the amount of fragrance oils can be as high as 40 percent. This is where the real high pricing comes into play.

It is common practice when buying a perfume is to visit the fragrance counter and spray different scents on different parts of your body so you can compare them. We suggest you avoid this because after two or three applications your olfactory responses (that's your smell and taste senses) can easily be confused and your brain will be remembering and blending previous sniffs rather than sampling new ones. Secondly, how are you going to remember which you sprayed where. If you are going live shopping, we suggest you do something more like this.

Use fragrance blotters to gather your samples of different scents. These are small porous cards and are usually available at the perfume counter. Once you've sprayed the card you can write the name of the fragrance on the reverse side, that way you can identify the fragrance when you need to, and you can more readily compare the different aromas.

All fragrances take a few minutes to develop once they've been exposed to the atmosphere. Allow a few little time after it's been applied before sniffing the perfume. To overcome nose fatigue (confusion of the olfactory), leave the smelling alone for a while and take in some fresh air, or smell something that carries your own body odour (armpit of your shirt sleeve for example). Sometimes eating a mint can refresh your olfactory senses.

Try to narrow your selection to two or three fragrances and then spray some on your skin, making a point to remember what you sprayed where. Now you need to go and do something else. You need to remove yourself from the perfumery (too many other smells in the air) and take your mind off the fragrance shopping altogether.

Let ten or fifteen minutes go by and then smell those parts of your skin that you sprayed. Let your gut reaction tell you which is the most effective, relative to the reason you are buying the fragrance.

Mens Cologne and Womens Perfume Fragrances

The internet has really taken shopping to the next level. With so many places to buy your favorite perfume on the internet, there is plenty of competition which drives down the cost of the womens perfume to rock bottom prices. You can find great deals on perfume whether it is mainstream, by a top designer or even perfume that is included with a gift set. For perfume enthusiasts, the internet is the one of the best places to buy perfume.

People use the scent of perfume to enhance their smell. They might want to be more attractive to someone (such as a potential mate) or they may just enjoy the smell. There are so many different scents available and different marketing strategies are used. There are basic perfumes that you could pick up at a local Wal-Mart or similar location that are $10-40 a bottle and will last you awhile even if you wear perfume every day.

When it comes to ingredients, make sure you check them closely so that you can get an idea of what kind of perfume oil it is. Sometimes the ingredients won't be shown. In this case, you'll have to be the judge as to whether you still want to go with it or not. For example, some products have been known to be listed as aromatherapy products but do not have true aromatherapy ingredients.

Perfume oil is the perfect solution for someone who doesn't want to have to keep re-applying fragrances all the time. The concentrated nature of perfume oil gives it wonderful, long-lasting benefits.

You may have many discount fragrances that truly suit you. You may have a different one for daywear as opposed to nightwear. You may have a special one for romantic occasions and different perfumes for changing seasons. If your complexion is olive in nature you are probably more suited to heavier, exotic fragrances. Fair skins tend to react better to lighter, floral type scents. Experiment at the perfume counters. Consultants just love you to try them out. But try them on your skin, not a fragrance card.

Please remember, perfume or cologne smells different on different people, and may even smell different on one person if they are ill, or change their diet, or many other reasons. The best way to try out a new fragrance is to spray some on your wrist and smell... where the fragrance for awhile and frequently smell your wrist. Personally I wait for a few minutes for the perfume to "sink in" before I base an opinion, and quite often I will like the fragrance much more after its been on me for awhile!

Next, you must understand that men's fragrance is composed of many layers of scents. Scents are broken down into groups called notes. You have top notes, middle notes and bottom or base notes. Top notes are usually light spices, fruity, citrus scents that disappear within ten minutes after application. Middle notes are usually spices of vanilla, cinnamon, woodsy, and heavier citrus scents that last for about an hour. The bottom or base notes are made up of stronger scents: long-lasting leathers, woods, tobacco, and heavy spices such as peppers and cloves.

Perfume and fragrance attract the opposite sex and helps to expose the feelings and affection to opposite sex. At the same time it keeps cool, fresh and sexy both men and women. Most of the women and men perfumes offer different types of occasions with others. All days spent are memorable and makes other appreciable. Perfume and fragrance should be properly purchased by men and women. At first, human should apply the perfume on their body and see to that whether it suits your skin. Generally all humans body differ and the smell comes from them also differs. So, when you purchase a perfume, first apply on your skin and see to that when it mixes with your seat, the original smell of the perfume never changes.

A great place to test out a new fragrance is often on either on the wrists or in the inside part of your elbow. These areas of the body are the best locations to test out perfumes. Waiting for about an hour or so will give time for the fragrance to settle onto the skin, as well as gives your body the chance to react to the scent. Pheromones in women react differently to scents. Therefore, what can smell great on one woman may not be the right scent for another.

Testing perfumes out before you make a purchase is a great way for you to decide what perfumes may work without having to buy an entire vial of fragrance. It is also important to remember, when you test out a new perfume it may smell totally different on the skin versus in the bottle, so test it out on where you intend to use it.

There are many things a fragrance house will fail to tell you as they are pitching price to you as their major selling point. Of course, no one will admit their faults, shortcomings, or negative press when it comes to landing that 55 gallon drum order. As an 11 year veteran, with experience in all areas of fragrance creation, shipping, purchasing, and sales...I can tell you that there are many hidden thorns in that Rose fragrance you probably just purchased from the lowest bidder.

In the fragrance industry, quality is key for most...but not for all. Companies who are using an inexpensive masking agent for a portable toilet application need not worry about specific gravity or color index. However, in fine fragrance, candles, personal care, and the now growing "Green" product lines...a fragrance house needs to pride themselves on quality and consistency. Failing to remain consistent with fragrance batch formulations will result in off spec. material. This off spec. material may not be suitable to use in candles as it may cause discoloration or not properly blend in wax. For fine fragrance, it may cause irritation to the skin. These types of issues are a major concern to the Yankee Candle type companies and Revlon cosmetic type companies that hold sterling positions in the market. Companies such as these, do not purchase on price alone. Quality control plays a large role in their decision making and dictates which fragrance house qualifies as a core vendor...or not.

When considering a fragrance manufacturer, initially, you should perform a Dun and Bradstreet on the company to see its history and viability. Take that information into consideration, then meet with your area sales representative to gather more information like quality and delivery terms. Keep pricing on the back burner for now...that part is coming next. Then, you should ask for representative samples of fragrances that you either cannot find elsewhere, or comparative samples to what you are currently using to use as a benchmark for quality and price. Giving a perfume sample to this vendor to see what their duplication capabilities are isn't such a bad idea. However, you may want to wait until the initial sample request is completed first. After your meeting, count the days and see how long it takes for your samples to arrive. Anything over two weeks is considered least in my eyes. Samples should be able to be produced in a week to 10 days max...unless you specify that you are in no rush for them. In most cases, you will be.

Cologne and Perfume Facts and History

The use of perfumes, colognes, and products which contain fragrance have increased tremendously over the past few decades. Historically, fragrance has been for luxury and special occasion use. Since the 1970s fragrance has become a part of daily life. The use of fragrance has increased ten-fold since the 1950s. The fragrance industry doubled it size during the 1980s.

Scented products are generally perceived as pleasant, a harmless means of self-expression and certainly not a significant health concern. Very little thought is given to the numerous products used a daily basis that contain fragrance unless you happen to be one of the growing numbers of people adversely affected by scented products.

The fragrance industry has traditionally been a very secretive industry. For decades secrecy was required to protect fragrance formulas from being copied by others. Fragrance formulas are considered "trade secrets" and do not have to be revealed to anyone, including regulatory agencies. On the label, only the word fragrance must appear in the list of ingredients. The secrecy of the industry has led to tremendous problems in terms of regulation, monitoring, and impact on those that have problems from fragrance.

It's not all about finding the cheapest product. Knowledge and information about origin and fragrance can guide you to the right product. Detailed information and guidance to each and every perfume can be found in the brands section - by clicking on the relevant link and going to the page about the specific perfume or cologne you have in mind.

Most, if not all modern commercial toiletries are made with synthetic fragrances. Synthetic fragrance oils are made from petrochemicals, have no health or well-being benefits, are often overpowering rather than subtly evocative, and have negative environmental impacts. Synthetic fragrance oils are absorbed through the skin and inhaled, posing health concerns (e.g. asthma, allergies, headache). They do not readily break down and are reported to be as noxious as chemical pesticides, adversely affecting aquatic wildlife and the environment.

Pure essential oils, unlike synthetic fragrance oils, have complex and rich alchemical elements which permeate the limbic system, stimulating our memory and pleasure centers.

In ancient times, perfumes and aromas were made of all natural botanical ingredients and were often reputed to be magic potions. It's true that the realm of natural fragrance can take one on a journey of sensuality and elicit deeper stimulation of the psyche, emotions, and erotic center.

A personal fragrance makes a statement about the person wearing it. An inspiring personal scent can only be realized through the synergies of natural ingredients which merge with ones own unique body chemistry, heat, and physiology.

So what's the deal with perfume? Why so mesmerizing to the opposite sex? And what in the world is the stuff made from anyway? For all we know it could be made from chicken gizzards.

Fortunately, it's not.Perfume is made from about 78% to 95% of specially denatured ethyl alcohol and a remainder of essential oils. The perfumes that are made up of the 22% oils are the most expensive, going for as much as $100 an ounce or more. I'm sure a little too rich for most people's blood. These perfumes are called perfume, literally. The next costliest on the ladder are the ones called Eau de Parfum, which are made up of between 15 and 22% oils. After that comes Eau de Toilette, which is made up of between 8 and 15% oils. Next on the totem pole is Eau de Cologne, which is made up of about 4% oils. And finally the bottom of the barrel, for those who really like subtlety, is Eau Fraiche, which is made up of about 1 to 3% oils.

Then of course there are fragrance categories, a TON of them.

Here is a listing.

Floral, Oriental, Floriental, Chypre, Green Marine and Fruit. Typical plant products include anise, bay leaf, bergamot, cardamom, cedar wood, eucalyptus, frankincense, gardenia, geranium, iris, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lilac, lily, lily of the valley, magnolia, moss, neroli, orange, orris, patchouli, pine, raspberry, rose, sage, sandalwood, tuberose, vanilla, violet and ylang-ylang.

Perfumes are categorized in to different types like woody perfume, floral perfume, oceanic perfume, greens perfume and oriental perfume. The customer can select any one of the perfume from the list. Almost in every part of the world, most of the people are influenced in usage of perfume. Perfume and fragrances becomes the essential and important in every part of life. As trend and ways of living of people are changing, production of perfume and fragrances are also changed. During the past years, most of the people do not use perfume for their skin. But when the trend changed, men and women were inspired to use perfume and cologne and fragrance for their skin. Perfume and fragrance is also said to be a skin care product. Perfume and fragrance is also used to expose the feelings of human to the opposite party.

When wearing perfume, you must always take care as to not to apply to much perfume, as enough is enough and there are others who have adverse reactions when influenced by particular types of perfume ingredients. When someone wears too much perfume, the fragrance becomes obnoxiously overpowering, and for some can cause illness. You know when someone is wearing to much perfume when you can actually taste the fragrance they wear.

Wearing too much discount perfume in small areas can cause serious to mild allergic reactions in some individuals, even if they are not wearing any themselves. Although it is easy to tell when someone is wearing more than enough perfume, it is not always easy for a wearer of perfume to know they have been applying too much perfume; this is because no ones sense of smell is the same. Never spray perfume directly on your clothing, you can use perfume samples of your favorite perfume as sachets to scent your clothes.

Perfume and discount fragrance are the most important and essential requirement for people and nowadays, perfume products where used for almost every occasions and climate. When perfume is applied to human body and it does not cause any skin allergies or it does not show any effect on human body, then men and women can use perfume and fragrance without any problem. Perfume and fragrance such as lotion, body creams, shave gel, scents, deodorizers, soaps and powders only suits for some people and for some people, the different ingredients and flavors does not suit.